More “wow” for a lot less “ow”

Since its release in 2010, iTween has been used all over the globe for programmed animation in the Unity 3D game engine for Indie and AAA studios alike.  It has been featured in the top 3 downloads in Unity’s Asset Store consistently since its release and its support site sees roughly 30,000 users every month.  In addition, numerous products offered in the Asset Store are powered by it and I’ve received support and thank you emails from companies such as Crystal Dynamics (creators of Tomb Raider) and even Electronic Arts.

With an API that is geared towards empowering entry level as well as professional developers, iTween has received immense success over the years and a new version is in the works that focuses on improving performance and pushing the ability to polish a project with as little code and frustration as possible.  iTween has enabled me to connect with a massive amount of the Unity 3D staff and development community and as a result I’ve gained amazing friendships with incredibly talented people all over the world.

Update: iTween has just been ported to the Unreal Engine!


  • Concept
  • Programming


  • Unity 3D